Having floating share widgets in either side of the websites an easy way to engage your visitors to share your knowledge with others on those social networks. So let’s talk how to add it.
How to Add Floating Share Buttons On the Sidebar:
1. Login to Blogger dashboard and choose the blog to which you want to add this widget
2. Go to template section of your blog and then edit its HTML
3. Now find </body> by pressing Ctrl+F and paste below code just above </body>
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style' style='left:100px;top:100px;'>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_5"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_6"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_7"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_8"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_9"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_10"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_11"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_12"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact at300m"></a>
<div class="atclear"></div></div>
<script src='//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=xa-512e6add1a7ae526' type='text/javascript'/>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
4. Save your template. You are all done!
That's it now you have a floating share widget in your Website's Sidebar.
Nice info.. Thanks..
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